"Kudo neper bote [ish] bazat ushtarake kane lene gjurme si simbole triumfi, krenarie, dhimbjeje dhe pasojash te paparashikueshme nga agresioni ushtarak. Keto zona te braktisura dhe qytete fantazem po prishin lagje dhe po ndajne komunitete te tera."
"Dotting the global landscape, decommissioned military installations are leaving their mark – symbols of triumph, pride, pain and the unforeseen consequences of military aggression. These abandoned structures and ghost towns disrupt neighborhoods and split entire communities."
:: HYRJE E [PA]KUFIZUAR – nje konkurs per te rishikuar te ardhmen e [ish] bazave ushtarake. Kjo ftese e hapur per te gjithe komunitetin (global) projektues dhe ate te ndertimit ka identifikuar keto zona ne 71 vende, ku 510 grupe pjesemarrese kane bashkepunuar me palet lokale per t'i rihabilituar dhe riperdorur ato per te miren sociale, ekonomike dhe mjedisore.
Architecture for Humanity hosted the 2011 Open Architecture Challenge ::
:: [UN]RESTRICTED ACCESS – a design competition to re-envision the future of decommissioned military bases. This open invite to the global design and construction community has identified them in 71 countries, where 510 participating teams have collaborated with local stakeholders to rehabilitate and reuse these spaces for social, economic, and environmental good.
Mbeshtesni kete projekt duke mundesuar ekspozimin e Projekteve Fituese ne Bienalen e Arkitektures ne Venecia.
Support this project to showcase the Winning Projects at the Venice Architecture Biennale.
Support this project to showcase the Winning Projects at the Venice Architecture Biennale.
Me shume info mbi finalistet mund te gjeni tek
Wired Online.
For more info about the finalists, check out Wired Online.
For more info about the finalists, check out Wired Online.
[OCO - Ocean Conservatory & Observatory] near Lisbon, Portugal. |
Paicho Huts near Gulu, Uganda |
The Store - Pillbox Conversion in rural New Zealand |
Alter Your Native Belfast // Alternative Belfast in Belfast, Northern Island |
PLUG-In HEBRON - People Liberated Urban Gaps In Hebron in Old City of Hebron, Israeli Occupied Palestinian West Bank |
Magazine Hill: A weathered continuum, in Pretoria, South Africa |
Humboldthain Food Cooperative in Berlin, Germany |
Instalacioni ne Bienalen e Venecias do te kete efektin, cilesine dhe formen e nje BUNKERI Shqiptar.
29 Gusht - 25 Nentor 2012
The Installation at the Venice Biennale will have the effect, quality and form of an Albanian BUNKER.
August 29 - November 25, 2012
The Installation at the Venice Biennale will have the effect, quality and form of an Albanian BUNKER.
August 29 - November 25, 2012
Me pas, Projektet Fituese do te ekspozohen per publikun e gjere ne 5 continente.
Afterwards, the Winning Projects will be exhibited to the general public on 5 continents.